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Campus Kitchen National Conference at Augsburg

campus_kitchenOn Oct. 18, students from 15 campuses around the United States, including Augsburg, will converge on the Augsburg College campus for the annual student-powered hunger event of the year: the 2007 Campus Kitchen Project Leadership Conference.

The Campus Kitchen Project (CKP) is a student-powered hunger relief organization which partners with 12 schools nationwide, sharing on-campus kitchen spaces, recovering food from on-campus cafeterias and engages students to prepare hundreds of meals for the community. Since starting in 2001, CKP has engaged 11,000 students who have contributed more than 150,000 volunteer hours to prepare and serve 590,000 meals.

The Campus Kitchen at Augsburg College (CKAC), launched in October of 2003, is a groundbreaking program that brings together student volunteers, on-campus dining service professionals, and community organizations to combat hunger in Minneapolis. Augsburg was the first college in Minnesota to have the CKP program.

Volunteers prepare meals using food donated from campus dining halls, local food banks, and local farms and community gardens. Some of this meal preparation is cooking food from scratch, and some of it is finishing up and packaging already prepared dishes. Then, they deliver meals free of charge to individuals and agencies in Augsburg’s neighborhood. The meals go to after-school programs, homeless shelters, individuals who are elderly or disabled, and people with a low income. Along with a meal, Campus Kitchen volunteers bring conversation and companionship.

The founder and president of D.C. Central Kitchen, Robert Egger, will be at the conference, along with Wayne Kostroski , Cuisine Concepts & Taste of the NFL, and owner of the Franklin Street Bakery and the Tejas Restaurant in Edina.

Campus Kitchens site across the nation are:

Saint Louis University, St. Louis, Mo.; Northwestern University, Evanston, Ill.; Marquette University; Augsburg College; Gonzaga University, Spokane; Minnesota State University, Mankato; Gonzaga College High School, Washington, D.C.; University of Nebraska at Kearney; Wake Forest University, Winston-Salem, N.C.; Washington and Lee University, Lexington, Va.; Gettysburg College; and the College of William and Mary.

For more information on Augsburg’s program,

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